Real achievements and advantages:
1. Signing agreement with Herat University’s Faculty of Education.
2. Signing agreement with the head of Herat Private Hospitals Association.
3. Having Practical Hospital (Afghan Salamat hospital); for students’ practical work.
4. Having an Atefi charity foundation; to cooperate with students in need.
5. Contract with several prominent hospitals; for students’ practical work.
6. Holding scientific seminars and new teaching methods for professors.
7. Holding educational-research seminars for students.
8. Implementation of the program (evaluation) of the professors’ teaching process.
9. Creation of discount committee; to cooperate with students in need.
10. Regulating, standardization of teaching and development of academic staff.
11. Hiring professional and experienced professors in each field.
12. Holding scientific-experimental exhibitions; for students.
13. Holding monthly meetings with parents of students.
14. Holding monthly Qur’an ceremony, after reciting several periods of it.
15. Recruiting more than three and a half thousand students in the fall 1402 and spring 1403 exams
16. Activation of cultural committees, guidance, listening to complaints, etc.; to cooperate with students.
17. Holding sports-recreational competitions for students.
18. Organizing essay writing competitions among students.
19. Holding a book exhibition; for students to read and study.
20. Independent buildings with (Skill-lab, laboratory, electronic and real library, computer lab and publication department); for females
21. Independent building with (skill-lab, laboratory, electronic and real library, computer lab and prayer room), in the male section.
22. Having (12) active fields of health sciences; especially the field of (health and nutrition social counseling); for the males and females.
23. Distribution of identity cards to all employees, professors and students; for the internal discipline of the institution.
24. Hiring some female employees; to advance affairs (administrative, financial, guidance and advice) to female students.
25. Hiring professional and strong professors from the female department; to teach the girls.